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Smart Walkie Talkie -

Need help connecting your Cellular Telephone or Computer to an International Network ?  Use our Smart Walkie Talkie(tm) software suite to make internatinal Wakie Talkie calls for as low at .01 cents per minute.  You can even make FREE calls over our Global Smart Walkie Talkie Voip network.

We provide international Communications Services, VoIP Services, Internet Services via our intersteller network and Wireless Communications platform located at World Wide Walkie Talkie and you may use the Wireless communictions services for MOBILE PHONES, CELLULAR PHONES, SATELLITE PHONES, VSAT TERMINALS, COMPUTERS, and Wireless HOT Spot Portal;  

Once connected to our VoIP Infracstructure you may also deploy International Push-To-Talk Services for Smart PTT Communications.

Use Our Smart Walkie Talkie software on your Cell Phones and Mobile Phones.   Click Here for more Information
LAPTOPS & Computers


Use our Smart Walkie Talkie (tm) software on your  laptoip or  Desktop computer to access our global VoIP Netwrorks.

Wireless / Cellular  Networks  - Connect computers and deploy wireless networks all over the world using our Smart Walkie Talkie netork
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